Rafael Stores Apps

Mbills 1.7
Rafael Stores
Mbills is a revolutionary mobile applicationtailored to meet your needs and to help you redefine yourlifestyle. It’s all round resourcefulness is designed to make yourtransactions as easy and efficient as possible.This unique app also enables users to make extra profit through aspecial plan created for Companies and business mindedindividuals.Welcome to convenience in its simplest form. Welcome to Mbills.services currently available on the Mbills platforminclude;Mobile top ups (Mtn,Airtel,Visafone,Etisalat&Glo), Data &Blackberry Bundles (Airtel & Mtn), Event Tickets, Examinationpins, Pay Tv ( Startimes), Electricity Bills (Ikeja Distributioncompany)Soon to be integratedCinema Tickets, Airline Tickets(Local & International), Dataand blackberry bundles for other networks, Pay Tv (other paytvproviders), Electricity bills (other distribution areas), Hotels(Local & International).There basically 4 types of user accounts1. Mbills Classic: This account is open to all users of themobile application. All it requires is for you to download the appand sign up. When the account user has a desire to carry out atransaction all he/she has to do is login to Mbills using his/heraccount details, select the service that is required and paydirectly from a debit or credit card. On the classic plan you haveaccess to all the services on the site and there is no extra chargeon your account.Benefits Include24/7 access to app and all its servicesHighly secured transaction2. Mbills Premium: The premium account is an account designed toeffectively help you manage and execute your budget with respect tospecific expenditure. As it is with all Mbills plans, it is aflexible plan that caters for your everyday transactional needs andmore.As a premium account user, a profile is created for you by Mbillsadmin which also serves as an account. The account will then befunded by you and on every transaction the account will be debitedwith the value of the transaction carried out. It is an effectivemanagement tool for conservative individuals.Benefits IncludeDiscount on specific transactionsQuicker transaction completion time.Does not require credit/debit card detail entry pertransaction.3. Mbills Credit: As the name implies, the credit account isunlike the previous as it offers full credit facility which is thefirst of its kind in Nigeria. It is tailored to cater for the needsof corporate organizations, members of staff and high net-worthindividuals.Company credit: Is an account designed for companies/organizationsthrough which they can enjoy all the services on Mbills withouthaving to pay immediately.The account is set up in the name of theorganization and a credit period of 30 days is extended after whichall transactions are reconciled and invoicedIndividual credit:designed for staff of organizations/highnet-worth individuals.A Credit profile is created for individualsunder a company with unlimited access to all Services onMbillsBenefits includeNo hidden chargesNo additional charges within agreed credit period.Time saving and convenience4. Mbills Agent: A special account created forindividuals/companies (Agents) who intend to use Mbills to generateincome. It is designed for the agent to be able to sell and receivepayment from customers on all service available on MbillsHow it worksThe Agent fulfills pre-set requirements and gets a password to anaccount which the agent will fund. With this the agent can startoffering service to customers’ looking to utilize services or carryout transactions which are on the Mbills. The account offers anextra special discount to agents so as to enable them makeappreciable profit on transactions.Benefits Low risk, high rewardNigeria,Lagos,Mobile Top-up,RechargeCards,MTN,Airtel,GLO,Airtel,Visafone,Events,Electricitybills,Data,MTN BIS,Airtel Data Bundle,PayTv,Startimes